DisProt 2021_12 - Thematic release featuring a dataset of IDPs and IDRs in “viral proteins”
The DisProt curation team is pleased to publish a new release featuring the third thematic DisProt dataset, “viral proteins”, exploring the role of IDPs and IDRs in the context of viral proteins.

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Written on Dec 15, 2021, by Federica Quaglia and Philippe Le Mercier.New thematic dataset of disorder in viral proteomes
The current release aims at filling the gaps in the manual curation of intrinsically disordered regions in viral proteomes. We included in our dataset a variety of examples of both DNA viruses (e.g. Human herpesvirus 1, 2, 8) and RNA viruses (e.g. Hepatitis C virus, Ebola virus). Our dataset includes examples of viruses affecting a plethora of organisms, ranging from bacteria (e.g. Salmonella phage Transcriptional repressor arc, DP01512; Streptococcus phage AcrIIA5, DP02928), to plant viruses (e.g. Carnation mottle virus capsid protein, DP02071), animal (e.g. Myxoma virus M156R, DP00849) and human viruses.
In particular, we focused on major human pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. nucleoprotein, DP03212) and HIV-1 proteins (e.g protein Vpr, DP03543), up to examples of lethal viruses causative of hemorrhagic fevers such as Lassa mammarenavirus, Dengue virus and Marburg virus.
The DisProt “viral proteins” dataset currently features more than 180 DisProt entries of viral proteins, available from the DisProt home page.
This thematic release was achieved thanks to the collaboration with Philippe Le Mercier, resource manager of ViralZone (SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics web-resource on viral genera and families).
Updated existing entries and new entries from our biocurators
This new DisProt release features 356 new entries and more than 1743 new pieces of evidence, annotated from 504 new articles not present in DisProt yet. We are thankful to our biocurators Victoria M. Nugnes, Julian Bergier and Galo E. Balatti for their outstanding effort.