Scripts and notebooks for generating and analysing the IDP-KG.

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Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Knowledge Graph (IDP-KG)
Version: 2022-06-21

Knowledge graph about Intrinsically Disordered Proteins generated from Bioschemas markup embedded within DisProt, MobiDB, and ProteinEnsemble.
Venn diagram showing intersection of proteins in the 2022-06-21 dataset.
Venn diagram showing intersection of proteins in the 2022-06-21 dataset.

Statistics about Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Knowledge Graph (IDP-KG)

Basic Metrics

Triples 309371
Distinct Entities 63879
Distinct Subjects 69185
Distinct Properties 21
Distinct Objects 74544
Distinct Literals 18993
Distinct Classes 6
Distinct Graphs 5307
